Noida Cyber Crime Police have arrested four individuals involved in a Rs 26,11,727 fraud executed through a WhatsApp group. The arrests were made near Jalvayu Vihar Stadium Road based on confidential information.
The accused lured victims into investment schemes by adding them to WhatsApp groups, promising high returns. They sent an APK file to the victims, which granted them unauthorized access to the victims’ mobile phones. The fraud came to light when a complainant lodged a case at the Noida Cyber Crime Police Station on 13 January 2025.
Accused Identified and Modus Operandi
The arrested individuals have been identified as Kuldeep Giri, Shadab Hussain, Sahil, and Khushi Mohammad. During interrogation, Kuldeep confessed to accessing the complainant’s mobile via the malicious APK file and siphoning funds. They froze Rs 6,34,831 of the complainant’s money in multiple bank accounts, which the police are working to recover.
The investigation revealed that the accused had a nationwide footprint, with 14 complaints registered against them across Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, and Telangana.
Recovered Items
The police recovered several incriminating items from the accused, including seven mobile phones, three SIM cards, five ATM cards, a chequebook, and documents related to fraudulent bank accounts. Efforts are underway to recover more money from the suspects’ accounts.
Nationwide Fraud Network
The accused are linked to multiple complaints at the national level, highlighting the widespread nature of their operations. The police continue to investigate their network and modus operandi to trace additional victims and recover funds.
The arrests mark significant progress in tackling cybercrime, as authorities emphasize the importance of public awareness to prevent such scams.