Ahead of the Mahakumbh Mela, which is scheduled to begin on January 13, the Uttar Pradesh Police released an awareness video on its social media account on 05/01/2025, urging people to stay cautious of cyber fraud related to any kind of online booking for the Mahakumbh.
Mahakumbh Mela
The Mahakumbh in Sangam Nagari Prayagraj is likely to be attended by 40 crore people.
In light of the rising incidents of cyber fraud in recent times, this video has been created to create awareness among people about digital fraud.
The Video’s Message:
The short film portrays the experience of a family who falls victim to cyber fraud while booking a hotel online. Tempted by attractive offers, the family makes a booking through a fake website. However, upon reaching the given location in Prayagraj, they find an empty plot instead of the promised hotel.
In another instance, the family scans a QR code displayed on the street to book a stay, but instead of securing their booking, their money gets deducted fraudulently. Towards the end, Bollywood actor Sanjay Mishra appears in the video, cautioning people about such scams and advising them to avoid fake links and websites.
Safety Advice:
Sanjay Mishra urges devotees to use the official Maha Kumbh website Kumbh.gov.in to check the list of verified accommodations and make bookings.
The video has been shared across all social media platforms of the Uttar Pradesh Police. Additionally, a link to the list of available accommodations in Prayagraj has been provided to assist devotees in making safe and informed decisions.
Important Information for Devotees:
Devotees planning to visit Prayagraj during the Maha Kumbh 2025 are encouraged to use the verified list or official website for their bookings.
This initiative by the Uttar Pradesh Police aims to safeguard devotees from cyber fraud while ensuring a secure and smooth pilgrimage experience during the Maha Kumbh 2025.